Monday, 30 June 2008

Bye bye baby....

Rather than putting all the gory details on here, of what I saw, and what I did after, I'll say email me if you want to know them. That way, those of you who want details, of what to expect, of what I've experienced, can read about them, and the rest of you reading now can just hear the outline.
So it's happened. My baby has left me. It's been 21 days since hearing he/she had passed away, and it's taken this long for my body to deal with it. It's only been around 5 days since I started bleeding though.
Throughout yesterday the pains got stronger, and more like contractions. I'm at 15 weeks now, so I guess that's how my body had to deal with it. It felt a little like labour, but more constant, without so many breaks between contractions. The pains span across my pelvis and back, and felt like my pelvis was adjusting and I was getting ready for birth. The painkillers I had at home didn't touch the pains, so I rocked on my knees, trying to go into a state of deep relaxation, like I did during the birth of my daughter, nearly 3 years ago.
Later that evening I thought I'd passed my baby, and the pains got less. Later still though, they returned worse than before, as if they'd been building up to something big, and from what I saw, I know my baby left me. It was like giving birth but on a much much smaller scale.
I cried through the pains leading up to it, and I cried for most of the rest of the night, not from physical pains, but from emotional ones. I'm still crying inside, but think I'm in some kind of shock today, not showing emotion.
I took my daughter to the doctors first thing, as through last night she suffered from the beginnings of an attack of wheezing (asthma maybe). I spoke openly, without tears to the doctor, and she said she'd been though it herself. So many women have. Why? It's so unfair.
I so want another child, for many reasons, but after what I saw last night, and experienced, I feel like I don't know if I want to try again, for risk of it happening again. I don't feel strong enough to go through this again. It's not the pain, as it was short. It was the whole experience of the last 3 weeks.
Tomorrow's another day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is so weird...It happened to me on the same day. I didn't write about it yet because I am house sitting and I don't have access to a computer all the time. Right now I am writing from a friend's house. I plan to post what happened on my blog when I get the time. I just can't believe that it happened to us on the same day. It was awful for me, too. I also thought it was just like labor. I am so sorry you had a hard looks like we really did go through this together. I'll be praying for you. Keep in touch.