Monday, 26 January 2009

Missing the greenhouse and garden!

I picked up a great bargain today! I've been keeping an eye out for cheap buckets, to grow this year's tomatoes and peppers in, but am short of cash as always. Thankfully though, I came across large buckets for a pound each in Homebase! Have also just ordered an organic greenhouse cleaner too, instead of the usual stuff that kills everything, even if it's actually beneficial to the plants. I hated the idea of killing all the spiders that have taken up residence in there, so this way, some will hopefully survive to help again with fly control!
Decided on all the veg we'll be growing this year too, and ordered seeds, depending on what grew well last year, and what we like. Have ordered a mix of seed potatoes, so we'll have some all year round, and some shallots and red onions too. Veg we decided on are: chillies, red and yellow peppers, medium red tomatoes, yellow tomatoes, and a tasty cherry variety, green courgettes, lettuce, purple brocolli, compact cabbage, spinach, pok choi, and a selection of herbs....lemongrass, oregano, thyme, rosmary, basil....think that's the lot.
So I'm awaiting the greenhouse cleaning solution so I can get on with cleaning the empty greenhouse and scrubbing the pots....and awaiting dryer weather, so I (and hopefully hubby!) can dig another veg patch or two. Gotta pick up some horse poo for one of the veg beds from one of his bosses too....
Looks like a very hard but productive year ahead!! Can't wait to get started again!

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