Thursday, 3 July 2008

Third scan.....

Today I went for my third scan, in little over 3 weeks. Thought it would be easier this time, having gone through what I did on Sunday night, and having got my head around the fact my baby had gone. I'm still bleeding, but thought I was over the worst. I was going to go alone, thinking it'd be painless, but I'm glad my husband said he'd come too. I needed him.

It was upsetting going to the same scan place as I'd been to on the 9th, when I heard the news
first time. The women sonographers were excellent, so supportive and sympathetic, which I think made it harder in a way. They were so comforting. I tried to be strong, hold it together, give the facts, hear the facts, and accept it all, but I broke down in tears again.

After Sunday, I expected them to say that the miscarriage was nearly complete, and my body had dealt with it well. Instead, they told me that there's still a lot inside, which needs to come out. They couldn't be sure that my baby has gone yet or not, as it's unclear what is still there. I described what I'd seen on Sunday night though, and they think it's likely the baby left me then. They just couldn't be sure. It was strange, as since that night, I've said goodbye, and have been trying to get over it. Having them say they're not sure though, made me quite upset.

They checked me over during the scan, checking my ovaries, which they said looked healthy. I'm happy and feel very lucky to know that, but I still don't know if I'd like to try for another baby, as I don't know if I could go through this again. It's different to the way I felt (and most feel?) after a difficult childbirth. Then, it was a feeling of not wanting to go through that much pain again, but knowing that in time, the pain would disappear. This is a feeling of not wanting to go through the heartache of hearing the bad news, and then having to give birth to a child who I'll never hold and kiss. Ok, the baby wasn't recognisable in form, but I'm sure I said goodbye to it that night. I know the heartache will fade, but I'm sure the images from memories of that night, and being told the news on the 9th, will be with me forever. I wonder how my husband feels about the future. He says how he feels sad at times, when he finds himself thinking about having a baby with us in a few months, but then remembers what's happened. Makes me wonder would he like to try for one again soon, or will he feel too sad too?

It's so hard staying strong. I get on with things each day, I'm doing well at keeping busy. After my midday scan today, I baked cakes with my daughter, tidied and hoovered the house, changed the beds, did washing, checked the greenhouse, cooked tea and put my daughter to bed. That's a lot for me. It's been like that since the news in my first scan.

Hoping to meet up with a friend tomorrow morning. She went through the same a few months ago. It's so sad that so many have been through, and are going through the same. I wish it didn't have to be like this. Got my next scan a week tomorrow. I hate the idea of having to go through it all again in 8 days time....but this is how it's got to be if I don't agree to a D and C yet. I'm still holding out for my body to do what it needs to. It's doing well, I just hope it keeps going. Will let you know....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just tried to leave you a LONG stinkin comment, and it was deleted because of some internal error. Grrrr....