Saturday, 12 July 2008

Nearly complete and empty too.

It's been nearly a week since I last wrote on here. I feel that the week has whizzed past, although nothing much has happened. The start of the week was hard, too much time spent dwelling on what's happened, but the end of the week has been much easier on my emotions.
I received the homeopathic remedies I'd ordered, to help my miscarriage along. Secale and Caulophyllum. I think they made my bleeding heavier, so did what I hoped, although I'd expected them to cause some contractions, but I didn't feel anything of the kind. By the time Friday arrived, my last scan appointment, my bleeding had slowed, and I was wondering if the remedies had completed the job. I was dreading the scan, knowing they'd probably give another internal one, and wondering if I'd get all upset again from overly sympathetic hospital staff.
So Friday afternoon I went for my scan, alone this time, and thankfully didn't get upset, and was told I didn't need to return for another - all being well in a week or so. At last! The scan woman was clinical this time, not sympathetic and warm like the previous women have been, but that was good, as it allowed me to stay calm and focused, and talk for a change. She checked me out, and said again that both ovaries looked healthy, but the miscarriage still wasn't complete. Disappointed, I walked back to the ward, to await a discussion with a doctor. This time, a gynaecological consultant spoke with me, and was really positive. She said how she thinks I made the right decision weeks ago, not going for surgery or pills, as my body seems to have done a very good job of dealing with it naturally. She said it doesn't happen so well in all cases, and many women do opt for a quicker solution of taking medical help, but in my case, my body's done well. She said there's still a centimeter and a half size clot there, but she said that even with a D and C or Evac, clots bigger than that are often left inside. So I felt very happy to have been able to do it my way, and to have got away with it. It's still not over until I stop bleeding, but the doc seemed confident that it'd probably be complete within a week.
She spoke of trying to wait at least a month or one period before trying to conceive again, or preferably 6 months if we can, to give my body and mind time to recover. I said how this baby had been unplanned, but how we'd been very happy looking forward to its arrival, so wasn't sure if we'd want to try now, or not.
I've actually felt normal again since Thursday, which is weird, but I guess it's good. I do feel guilty when I feel like this though, as I feel I should be sad and mourning our baby for a long time. It has been a month and 3 days since I heard our baby had passed away, and it's been just 12 days since it left my body. Maybe I'm still in shock, or maybe I've just been able to keep busy enough not to have too much time to think for the last few days.
I've been trying to focus on our daughter more than my sad feelings. I've been trying to do more things with her, jigsaws together, playing together, and enjoying being with her whenever I can. I love her so much. We went to IKEA today for the first time ever, and picked up an extending children's bed for her birthday. Crazy shopping experience, not sure I enjoyed it, but it was different.
Anyway, now I'm feeling a little more normal, I'll probably not be writing so much on here. This was started as a way of helping other women who want to hear a first hand experience of a missed, silent, delayed miscarriage, so I doubt I'll continue it once the miscarriage is complete. I don't know, it depends how I feel. The miscarriage may be complete in a few days, but it's bound to still be on my mind for life. It's like the miscarriage will be complete, but I'll be left empty.
Feel free to get in touch if you'd like to know more on anything I've written.
Over and out for a few days probably.......

Sunday, 6 July 2008

Return of the low tide...

Today has been a difficult day. I think I've had too much time to think, as due to feeling a bit tired from last night, I didn't keep myself busy as I have done for the past few weeks. I've just lazed around, eaten lots, and talked very little. I sat in the garden, just thinking, remembering what happened a week ago, I sat in front of the computer for ages, reading other peoples' blogs and miscarriage stories, and it all got to me. My daughter was out for the afternoon with my mum, so I couldn't even distract myself with her keeping me busy. My husband was watching the tennis final, so he wasn't really into communicating either.
So all in all, I've had much too much time to think, and it's upset me. I feel like going to bed and staying there tomorrow, and for the next week or so. I'm meant to be assisting with a nature toddler group tomorrow pm, but don't think I can face it. I've not told the leader what's happening yet, and I know I've got to, but don't want to have to.
I've been feeling like I miss my baby, and miss the happiness I felt with it growing inside me, looking forward to seeing them, and holding them, and feeding them, in just a few months time. I feel like I want to feel like that again, but not feeling like trying again. Just that I want things back the way they were, and for none of this to have ever happened.
I just don't know how to pick myself up at the moment. I'm eating too much, and dwelling on what's happened too much. I need to snap out of it. On a positive note though, I have had contact from some lovely women, who are experiencing similar things, and we're helping (I think) to support and understand what each other is going through. It's good to open up to people who truly understand.
Bed now, goodnight.xXx

Last night

If anyone's interested, I've posted a couple of video's of last night at the bottom of this page. Hope you enjoy watching them! Was really nice being able to switch off from my thoughts for a couple of hours and smile again :-)

Saturday, 5 July 2008

Can't hide forever.....

Hi to Guatemala girl, nice to be in touch. I'm sorry you went through the same in May. I hope you're getting over it ok, and have lots of support. Feel free to email if you want to chat more.

I had a bit of a low day yesterday, I think it was due to the scan on Thursday. I was often thinking of the 'what ifs', and how it was so unfair. How I wanted my baby in my arms in a few months time, but it'll never happen. I had a nice visit from a friend yesterday morning though, and we talked and talked, as she's been through a very similar miscarriage a few months ago. It was good comparing our feelings about what had happened. She's now 27 weeks pregnant with her 2nd child, and having a hard time relaxing after what happened. I can imagine how hard it'd be. We both agreed though, that although we have had some very bad luck recently, we are both very blessed to have our first children. I don't know if I could try for another child so quickly though, I don't know if I would like to risk going through all this again.
My bleeding has eased a lot in the last couple of days. After hearing from the scan that there's still a lot I need to 'expel', I've been hoping I'd continue to bleed heavily and get it over with, so as to avoid the need for medical intervention. It doesn't seem to be happening very successfully though. At least since Sunday I'm sure my baby isn't with me, so it's just what's left over, the lining of my womb, that is still there. If needs be, I don't mind the thought of surgery to remove that, if absolutely necessary.
I've ordered some homeopathic remedies to try to help, hoping they'll help to remove what's left. They're said to be useful in circumstances such as mine, when the body slows down it's contractions in childbirth, and when the womb is upset. I was hoping they'd arrive today, but no sign of them. I'm hoping they'll arrive on Monday, and do the job, so that the scan on Friday shows the miscarriage is complete. If not, I'm not sure how long I can go on trying to do the right thing. I'm getting very upset with hospital visits, I just want to move on and feel more normal again.
I've just come back from a village summer fair in aid of my father's church. It was really busy, especially for such a rainy day. It was hard to make myself go though, as I knew what it'd be like. Everyone I saw asked how I was, and if I was ok, and were sympathetic. Word has got around, which is good, knowing everyone is thinking of me and supporting me, but it was also hard, putting on a brave face and smiling even when I didn't want to. I knew I had to go though, as I had to get it over with. Like that first time meeting up with my friends after hearing the news. I dreaded it, and it was hard, but I can't hide forever. It's times like this when friends and family are really important, and I feel very lucky to have so many caring people in my life.
Making a big effort tonight too. We rarely go out, but have decided to go to a welsh dancing/folk music evening. My brother does traditional welsh dancing, and loves these evenings that happen a couple of times a year, so we're taking him up on his invite for once, thinking it may cheer us up. Will only stay an hour or so, as taking our daughter too, but still, it's a big effort to go out while I'm feeling like I am. Will hopefully really enjoy it.

Thursday, 3 July 2008

Third scan.....

Today I went for my third scan, in little over 3 weeks. Thought it would be easier this time, having gone through what I did on Sunday night, and having got my head around the fact my baby had gone. I'm still bleeding, but thought I was over the worst. I was going to go alone, thinking it'd be painless, but I'm glad my husband said he'd come too. I needed him.

It was upsetting going to the same scan place as I'd been to on the 9th, when I heard the news
first time. The women sonographers were excellent, so supportive and sympathetic, which I think made it harder in a way. They were so comforting. I tried to be strong, hold it together, give the facts, hear the facts, and accept it all, but I broke down in tears again.

After Sunday, I expected them to say that the miscarriage was nearly complete, and my body had dealt with it well. Instead, they told me that there's still a lot inside, which needs to come out. They couldn't be sure that my baby has gone yet or not, as it's unclear what is still there. I described what I'd seen on Sunday night though, and they think it's likely the baby left me then. They just couldn't be sure. It was strange, as since that night, I've said goodbye, and have been trying to get over it. Having them say they're not sure though, made me quite upset.

They checked me over during the scan, checking my ovaries, which they said looked healthy. I'm happy and feel very lucky to know that, but I still don't know if I'd like to try for another baby, as I don't know if I could go through this again. It's different to the way I felt (and most feel?) after a difficult childbirth. Then, it was a feeling of not wanting to go through that much pain again, but knowing that in time, the pain would disappear. This is a feeling of not wanting to go through the heartache of hearing the bad news, and then having to give birth to a child who I'll never hold and kiss. Ok, the baby wasn't recognisable in form, but I'm sure I said goodbye to it that night. I know the heartache will fade, but I'm sure the images from memories of that night, and being told the news on the 9th, will be with me forever. I wonder how my husband feels about the future. He says how he feels sad at times, when he finds himself thinking about having a baby with us in a few months, but then remembers what's happened. Makes me wonder would he like to try for one again soon, or will he feel too sad too?

It's so hard staying strong. I get on with things each day, I'm doing well at keeping busy. After my midday scan today, I baked cakes with my daughter, tidied and hoovered the house, changed the beds, did washing, checked the greenhouse, cooked tea and put my daughter to bed. That's a lot for me. It's been like that since the news in my first scan.

Hoping to meet up with a friend tomorrow morning. She went through the same a few months ago. It's so sad that so many have been through, and are going through the same. I wish it didn't have to be like this. Got my next scan a week tomorrow. I hate the idea of having to go through it all again in 8 days time....but this is how it's got to be if I don't agree to a D and C yet. I'm still holding out for my body to do what it needs to. It's doing well, I just hope it keeps going. Will let you know....

Tuesday, 1 July 2008

A little more conversation.....

Just as something a bit unconnected from my usual posts, I want to say hi to my regular readers. I have a 'sitemeter' on my page, which tells me what country people log in from....I appear to have regular readers from Arcadia, Crescent City and LA in California, other parts of the US, Tallahassee in Florida, Grants Pass in Oregon, Jackson in Mississippi, Columbus in Ohio. Then closer to home I have readers from Swindon, Crawley and Rotherham in the UK, far far away in Guatemala City, and Ontario and Alberta in Canada.
So I just want to say 'HI' to you all. I'm guessing you're all going through something similar to myself, which is how you find me, or why you're reading (unless you're someone who knows me) I just want to say you're not alone. There's loads of support and great loads of positive thinking flying around for all of us. Hope you all find some for yourselves. We aren't alone, we just have to reach out and accept the support from those close to us. Even when we feel like curling up ignoring the world. Some of you will have strong religious faiths...I hope that helps you too. Would love for you all to get in touch and share your story with me. My email address is on my profile.....
As a bit of an update, there's nothing new miscarriage wise. No pains since Monday morning. Nothing physical anyway. Think I'm still in shock after what happened Sunday night. Will the images in my head ever go away? Do I really want them to? Message for MDM....thinking of you too....