I picked up a great bargain today! I've been keeping an eye out for cheap buckets, to grow this year's tomatoes and peppers in, but am short of cash as always. Thankfully though, I came across large buckets for a pound each in Homebase! Have also just ordered an organic greenhouse cleaner too, instead of the usual stuff that kills everything, even if it's actually beneficial to the plants. I hated the idea of killing all the spiders that have taken up residence in there, so this way, some will hopefully survive to help again with fly control! Decided on all the veg we'll be growing this year too, and ordered seeds, depending on what grew well last year, and what we like. Have ordered a mix of seed potatoes, so we'll have some all year round, and some shallots and red onions too. Veg we decided on are: chillies, red and yellow peppers, medium red tomatoes, yellow tomatoes, and a tasty cherry variety, green courgettes, lettuce, purple brocolli, compact cabbage, spinach, pok choi, and a selection of herbs....lemongrass, oregano, thyme, rosmary, basil....think that's the lot. So I'm awaiting the greenhouse cleaning solution so I can get on with cleaning the empty greenhouse and scrubbing the pots....and awaiting dryer weather, so I (and hopefully hubby!) can dig another veg patch or two. Gotta pick up some horse poo for one of the veg beds from one of his bosses too.... Looks like a very hard but productive year ahead!! Can't wait to get started again!
I've recently been asked about my daughter's diet by a new friend. She's had similar problems recently, dealing with her daughter's bahaviour, just like I have. So I thought I'd put together a bit of a list of how I try to prevent her asthma and eczema getting worse, and her behaviour getting difficult. I think that by some friends, I am viewed as a bit strict and over the top when it comes to diet etc, but in a very laid-back, patient and relaxed way when it comes to dealing with my daughter.
So here's my list, crazy or not, there are reasons behind everything in it:
I exclude all E numbers other than if they are something like ascorbic acid E300 (vit C).
I exclude as much processed food as possible.
I give as much whole/pure foods as possible.
I wash all fruits and veg in hot soapy water, and rinse well, to remove preservatives.
I exclude anything containing msg or other flavour enhancers, choosing foods with natural flavours from herbs and spices instead.
I use lots of herbs and spices in cooking, especially turmeric and garlic.
I exclude foods containing artificial/chemical preservatives (such as sulphites), choosing foods with natural preservatives instead.
I exclude all artificial colours.
I exclude all artificial sweeteners, choosing sugar and glucose as a preference, but limit the types of food containing added sugar.
I give only one or two small chocolaty or biscuit-type snack a day, and lots of fruit.
I put a fruit bowl of washed fruits within reach of her, and she can take whatever she wants if it's not close to a meal time.
I try to exclude things with egg in, and shellfish, as they make her eczema worse.
I only give a few strawberries at a time, as large amounts have brought on wheezing.
I don’t use artificial room fresheners/scents.
I don’t buy aerosols.
I try to keep dust to a minimum.
I keep our cat out of the living and sleeping areas.
I keep her away from smoky places.
If on a roadside, I will pick her up, so she's not at the level of the exhaust pipes.
I only use paracetamol as a last resort for her if she has a temperature that can’t be controlled by flannels and homeopathy.
I only use steroid cream if her eczema is red and itchy.
I use the preventative steroid inhaler for her twice daily, but will try to get her off it in the spring/summer.
I use the reliever inhaler for her if she has a repetitive cough.
I buy homeopathic and herbal toothpaste
I buy ayurvedic soap
She uses a salt pipe daily while having stories.
I'm trying to persuade her to breathe through her nose as often as she can.
So there it is. I may be an over the top mum, but I'm trying to do my best to get her better, and allow her a future free of inhalers and creams, and more health problems because of them.
I've felt like writing on here for a few days, but never seemed to get the chance. I don't even know if anyone reads this anymore, but I'm keep on writing anyway!
I met my best friends new baby last week. He was perfect! He was born a month after mine was due, so it was an emotional time meeting him, and seeing my friend after the birth. It made me feel a bit crazy as if I really wanted to fall pregnant again, but the other half of me is still holding back. It's nearly a year since I fell pregnant, and all friends and contacts who miscarried at the same time as me have all got pregnant again since. I see that they're all very happy, but for me, I don't feel it'd be the best thing right now. I think that it's mainly due to not knowing if my husband would be happy if it happened again. As you can see, we don't communicate brilliantly about difficult things. If he was to say let's go for it, I'd probably be all for it too.
I really wish this cold damp weather would be over. I can't wait for the spring again, when I can get back into planting in the greenhouse and beds, watching our food grow, taking care of it while it does. I'm not feeling very energetic at the moment, but hoping my new year's resolution to get fit will work out if I can stick with it.
Now I'm here, I can't remember what it was I wanted to write about the other day! Ah well...it'll keep. See ya round!
It's been far too long since I wrote on here. I've just not felt in the right mood for it for a couple of months. So here I am, doing a kind of update to start with, before things get back to normal. Since I was last on, not a lot has happened. Our missing friend still hasn't been found, and a guy is still on bail for her suspected murder. They can't charge him without more evidence though, as it's all circumstantial so far.
My daughter's wheezing has returned on and off, but she is still generally a lot better since taking steroids inhalers twice a day. I hate giving them to her, and am doing my very best to get her off them asap, so we'll see how we get on. Our chickens are laying an average of 4 a day, which is excellent for the middle of winter! The eggs are so tasty compared to shop-bought free range eggs, you can really taste the difference. Been a little concerned though over the last week, as since there's been a hard frost which has lasted days, I've heard a fox in the woodland behind us. The chooks got very upset by one barking the other day, and it took a while for them to settle. They were so silly, making so much noise, as if to say "Oh no, there's a fox around.....here we are if you want us, follow our loud clucking and you'll find us easily!". They don't seem to be the cleverest of animals! Our poor cat has lost her nerve. She came home with a burst eye ball in November I think. A local tom cat was the likely suspect, as since then, she's been a proper 'scaredy cat'. She went through treatment to fix her up, and thankfully didn't loose her eye...but it looks different, and has shifted, so not all her pupil is visible now. Since the injury, she doesn't go out much, and when she does, she never really leaves the garden for long, rarely ventures into the woods either. It's a shame.
December was a hard month. My miscarried baby's due date was the 16th. My missing friend was on Crimewatch on the 15th. My daughter was unwell for a couple of weeks. And we were broke. I expected to fall apart on the 16th, but I think the anticipation of it was worse that the day itself. It did make me think about the miscarriage again, and what might have been, but it wasn't as distressing as I'd expected, thankfully. It's been more upsetting since then, seeing another mum at the school, who's newborn was born at that time. Crimewatch featured T on the 16th, but nothing good came from it as far as I know. I was asked to appear on it, but after being a bit unsure, they found another friend to do it instead. It was the anniversary of her going missing this week, and myself and mum, and other friends laid flowers outside her home in her memory. We just can't move on until we get to say goodbye properly.
I've been getting strange feelings in my chest recently, and I think they may be due to all the anxiety. My friend thinks it's probably suppressed grief, making my chest tight, and making my heart rate fast. The doc thinks I should just take beta blockers which would sort out the jumping heart and heart rate, but I don't like to treat the symptoms of something, as I'd prefer to sort out the cause instead if I can. Have got onto an online counsellor yesterday, wondering if it'll help to let things out a bit.
Sorry this posting isn't very light-hearted, but as I said, it's an update really. Hopefully things will be a bit lighter from now on in. New year, new hopes and dreams.